An Update On Those Secretaries

Today I woke up bright & early as I was excited about starting that car to head to the hospital I think it had a lot to do with me being nawya eshar(having evil intentions).

Walked into that hospital and ask those secretaries from yesterday where I would find the head of the hospital. I got the usual, ‘mn3rfosh,….mish heni.’ (We don’t know)

It didn’t take long to find him…and when I found him he was sitting with 2 others men who then happened to be all the people I needed.

Me: Are you Dr. Filan ElFolani? Head of the hospital?

Him: Yes.

Me: I just wanted to know who’s in charge of those secretaries on floor x

Him: We 3 are. Why?

Me: Those secretaries are incapable of doing their job…..(told him the entire story)

3 men were laughed

…they asked me to sit down and we continued the long discussion…..


Man #2: You’ve obviously have not lived in Libya all your life.

Me: Yes, I haven’t but that doesn’t make a difference.

Man #2: I mean it obvious because we don’t complain about such situations.

Me: and if we continue, this country will not go anywhere. We need people to respect their jobs & do them with passion. People need to know if you’re not going to work, someone will complain, and could get fired if your caught not doing it. There are too many people without jobs that are willing to do their job.

Man #3: I have an idea. How about you bring us secretaries who are willing to do their work.

Head of hospital: ….and we will fire those secretaries and hire those you choose.

Man #2: Deal?

Me: umm….mmmmmm…

Dealing With Obnoxious Secretaries

This happened to me today while trying to get some paperwork done:

Me: Good morning! (with a big smile on my face because there is no reason to be angry at 9:45am) I’m here to get my papers?

Secretary: (with the angriest face you could imagine) Can’t you see that I just got here. Give me some time….

Came back after 15 minutes….to 3 secretaries at one desk.

Me: *big smile* Yeah, I coming back for the papers that I told you about earlier and yesterday and you told me to comeback tomorrow..*out of breath*..and today is tomorrow.

Secretary #1: Come back tomorrow.

Me: But you said today.

Secretary #1: We are busy. Come back tomorrow.

Me: I am not going any where because tomorrow you’ll tell me to come the day after? Am I right?

Secretary #2: Come back in half an hour.

Me: ok. (grabbed a chair, sat myself down right in front of their faces & got on on twitter to vent my frustrations…and was timing the 30minutes.)

They started discussing a wedding they were at last night. …which got me even more frustrated than I was to begin with. However, I allowed them a full 30 minutes …yes, 7ata kan they’re discussing stupid wedding gossip.

30 minutes were almost up…and Secretary #2 and 3 started packing their stuff. Yes, they were leaving their office.

After the 30 minutes were up:

Me: Hey maybe you could get me those papers now since that half hour is gone???

Secretary #1: They already left. Come back tomorrow.

Me: I need it today.

…went looking for Secretary #2 & 3. Thank goodness they’re too lazy to take the stairs and were waiting for the elevator to go down the stairs.

Me: You said 1/2 an hour & it has been over an hour.

Secretary #2: The girl sitting at the desk will do it for you.

Me: She said you 2 already left and therefore I have to comeback tomorrow.

Secretary #3 :  Ahhhhh….Just give it to her.

Secretary #2 & #3 walk back to their office &  get the papers and one says: I told you just come back tomorrow.

Me: But then you said half an hour and it is now over.

Secretary #3: wallahi 7ni Libyeeen hiki m3ndnash kalma (We Libyans are like that we don’t have a word.)

Me: we’ll we can always change that to help make this country a better place.

Secretary #2: it’s not going to improve.

Me: yeah, Allah ghalib it won’t if you keep saying it won’t.

Secretary #3: just give her the papers she needs (as if they’re doing me a huge friggin’ favor)

…………and they then finally gave me the papers. *Sigh*

The story does not end there. On my way home, I thought about how stupid the situation was and how they could have avoided me having to bug them for those two hours I was there.  Why couldn’t they just do their job? Why do we allow them to continue being there if they’re not really doing their work and just hassling  people like me?